Comparing Forrest Gump 'And Harvie Krumpt'

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The films Forrest Gump (1994) directed by Robert Zemeckis and Harvie Krumpet (2004) directed by Adam Elliot are two films that have a protagonist that overcomes the challenges in life that positively impacts those around them. Forrest and Harvie are both parents that their children look up to, and have friends that positively influence their future decisions and quality of life. Analysis clearly shows that each director has successfully created a hero through the use of character development and relationship connections that emphasises the importance of individualism. Each film shows the individualism and positive impact on the people in the protagonists through the use of character development. Though both Harvie and Forrest are dependent on their mothers for the first part of their lives and when they die the protagonists become fully independent. The audience can clearly see that after significant events in both their lives the protagonists find a new goal to keep moving forward no matter what; for Harvie, when he decides to become a nudist and liberates chickens after his doctor died and his depression and when Forrest decides to run all over America after Jenny leaves him again. After analysis of both characters it is easy to see that they have developed their individualism by being selfless in everything they do and not worrying if anyone else thinks that it is not ‘normal’ or wrong.…show more content…
Both Little Forrest and Ruby look up fathers and learn proper morals and etiquette; both children are smart despite their fathers having low intellect. The audience can see that both little Forrest and Ruby are influenced by their fathers and respect them but they still live their own

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