good and evil. There is often uncertainty over where one becomes the other and many question the existence of the two states altogether, believing that humans are either intrinsically good or evil. Philosophers and authors alike, such as Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, have pondered this question, yet it remains unanswered. Although William Golding and Kahlil Gibran address the existence of good and evil in humans in their respective works, Golding emphasizes the transition from good to evil in Lord
INTRODUCTION: Space, Time and motion were three interrelated concepts which have been very difficult by the philosophers to arrive at a proper understanding since the ancient times. By there has been consensus that a proper understanding of motion would lend a hand in addressing the questions on the nature of the other two concepts namely space and time. Depending on the nature of approach to the problem of space and time, the philosophers mainly addressed three key concerns. They are as follows: