The Kyoto Protocol's Approach To Climate Change

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There is no ideal way to overcome the problem of waste disposal, all options in waste management have their own impact mainly emissions from landfilling. Landfilling accounted for almost 5% of total global emissions of greenhouses gas that has an impact 20 times higher than carbon dioxide. The use of proper waste management can make a major contribution towards a sustainable future. Creating a strategy for the prevention of waste is the most important thing. A country without a strategy will not be able to cope with the problem of waste effectively, but a country with a strategy but without implementation will not solve the problem of climate change. Climate change is a major environmental issue in the world such as the melting of ice in the…show more content…
The Kyoto Protocol is a first step to reducing global emissions to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions and provides the architecture for an international agreement on climate change next. Under this protocol, the state must meet targets primarily through national measurement or through three market-based mechanisms, namely international emissions trading, clean development mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI). The main target in the Kyoto Protocol is to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2); Methane (CH4); Nitrous oxide (N2O); Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); Perfluorocarbons (PFCs); and Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). In 2008, issued Law No. 18 Year 2008 on Waste Management. Regulation of the legal framework for waste management in an integrated and comprehensive manner and provide certainty for the public to obtain good waste management services. In this legislation, the garbage can be divided into three types of waste that are the household waste, like waste household and specific waste. While regulations that specifically address climate change in Indonesia has published at the time when the President Soeharto ratify UNFCCC in 1992 by Law No. 6 Year…show more content…
46 Year 2008 which served as the executive coordinator of climate change in Indonesia as well as the people in charge strengthen Indonesia's position in an international forum on climate change. Indonesia has ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2004 and had Law No. 17 Year 2004 regarding the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. Followed by the emergence of several supporting regulations such as Minister of Environment Decree No. 206 Year 2005 regarding the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Also, a mechanism outside the Kyoto Protocol, such as mechanisms for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD-plus) have been regulated by some presidential decrees, Instruction and the Ministry of Forestry Regulation. On 20 September 2011, the President signed a presidential regulation regarding the planned reductions of greenhouse gas emissions nationwide (Presidential Decree No. 61 Year 2011). This regulation set to detail the emission reduction targets per sector nationally and instructs local governments to make similar things. Environmental issues, especially climate change and landfills become a major topic in a study conducted by several researchers. Municipal solid waste is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions through decomposition and life-cycle activities processes. The majority of these emissions are a result of landfilling, which remains the

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