Analysis Of Baruch Spinoza

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Sukhsharn Kaur Johal AAA #2 Date due: April 8, 2015 Author of the text: Baruch Spinoza Title of the target text and passage: Appendix, pg. 130-134 Thesis: In the Appendix, Spinoza is attempting to prove that being ignorant can lead men to believe that all things in Nature are like themselves in acting with an end in view and that this belief is false. Steps: #1: Spinoza claims that all men are born in ignorance of the causes of things and that they only care about how they will benefit. C1: The author uses this step to state his position on ignorance. #2: Spinoza states that men believe they are free because they are aware of their desires; however, they do not look at the causes of what has determined them to desire such a thing. C2: The…show more content…
C5: The author uses this step to introduce the idea of God and show us how ignorant men are. #6: Men also believed that God made everything for their use so that men can worship God. C6: The author uses this step to show us an example of how the doctrine of final causes can be applied to God. #7: Each individual used different methods to worship God, so that God can love him more than the others and man can use this to serve their greed’s and desires. C7: The author uses this step to provide an explanation of why men only seek things as a means to their advantage and thus they only see the end in view. #8: This was a misconception and eventually turned into a superstition, and it embedded itself into the minds of men so much that it made men only see the final causes of things. C8: The author uses this step to provide a clear explanation of why men only see the final causes of things. #9: With many of Nature’s blessings, there also are many natural disasters such as storms, earthquakes, diseases, and so on, and that this happens because God is angry at…show more content…
C15: The author uses this step to provide an explanation of how misconceptions can affect the way we see reality. #16: Men favor order to confusion and thus say that God has created things in an orderly fashion, without knowing that they are applying human imagination to God. C16: The author uses this step to provide an example of how men can make misconceptions about God using their own imagination. #17: The ignorant believe that their imagination is an important attribute because they think that everything was created as a means for their use, thus calling something good or bad based on the effect that it had on them. C17: The author uses this step to demonstrate the fault within this reasoning. #18: Spinoza questions that if everything came from God’s perfect nature, then why is there so many imperfections in Nature? C18: The author uses this step to anticipate a possible objection by asking a question. #19: Perfection should only be measured by its own nature and power and thus should not be measured by whether or not if it offends the human senses or

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