Theories Of Behaviour Change Theories

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Behaviour change theories are essentially the fundamentals of health psychology and interventions that focus on behaviour change are characterised by such theories. Like the basic ideology behind health psychology, these theories tend to focus on positive health behaviours rather than negative aspects of health behaviours. The major theories of health psychology fall into either one of two categories. Behaviour change theories are either cognitive or social cognitive models, such as the Health Belief Model (Janz & Becker, 1984), The Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1975), or are stage models of behaviour change such as the Transtheorethical Model (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983). Even though all…show more content…
These theories can also aid in identifying cognitive, emotional and motivation states of individuals prior to treatment and as a result effect the targets applied for interventions (Webb, Sniehotta, & Michie, 2010). In a study by Rosen (2000), results obtained showed that processes chosen to affect change within the intervention varied according to the patient’s stage within the Transtheoretical model at the time of treatment. These results strengthen the argument presented by Webb et al. (2010) that theory affects…show more content…
The NCSCT (2013) obliges its specialist stop smoking advisors to be informed about what medication is best to administer. They must also provide the client with detailed information about what its correct use, efficacy, cautions, side-effects and the relevant clinical guidelines (NCSCT, 2013). Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) has been proven to be effective in increasing the rates of cessation, especially when combined with behaviour change treatments (Foulds , 1996; Leah, et al., 2006). Results obtained by Garvey et al, (CHECK) showed that NRT such as nicotine gum provided good results with high nicotine dependence smokers having quit rates at one year of 15.7% when administered a dose of 2-mg of nicotine gum and 20.7% for those administered a 4-mg dose of nicotine gum. Evidence is also in abundance for the success obtained when administering buproprion, an anti-depressant that has proven to be an effective smoking cessation treatment (Leah, et al., 2006). Results obtained by Leah et al, (2006) showed that quit rates were higher when bupropion was administered in combination with behavioural therapy with results showing quit rates at 12 months of 35.5%. However, when administering bupropion without giving any behavioural treatment, quit rates were still higher (30.3%) than those obtained for groups who were not administerd bupropion. Another medication which has been

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