Kurt Lewin's Model Of Change

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Theoretical Framework A merger can be defined as a particular activity where corporations come together to combine and share their resources to achieve common objectives (Attablayo, 2012). Gaughan, 2007 on the other hand defines a merger as a combination of two corporations in which only one corporation survives and the merged corporation goes out of existence. Gaughan’s definition of a merger is the definition I will use for this study, since it best articulates what took place between the two Urban High Schools being studied in this research paper. Numerous reasons exist as to why companies or institutions merge. Literature suggests that the driving force behind mergers fall into different categories referred to as rationales. These…show more content…
Without this knowledge and understanding, the organization stand the chance of experiencing a number of mal-adaptive and anti-social behaviours which will be displayed by both students and teachers and which will be a manifestation of the lack of knowledge thereof. Once these are known, the movers of the merger will now be able to employ a variety of different methods to reduce the resistance to the change and all the negative experiences, thus, ensuring ultimate success of the merger. A strength of Lewin’s three step theory in this merger study provides a manager or change agent an indication of what implementing change means when dealing with people. It also provides guidance on how to go about getting the persons who are a part of the merger to change. None-the-less his change theory, has its own share of limitations which include the difficulty in freezing a planned change in the system, which in essence speaks to the difficulty in implementing and solidifying any change in any organization. It also ignores the role of…show more content…
Berger and Richard J. Calabrese proposed the Uncertainty Reductions Theory (URT) which seeks to explain the relationship among persons who are not familiar with each other; or, are total strangers as in the case where two institutions merged. The Uncertainty Reductions Theory has three stages which are the Entry, Personal and Exit Stages. During the Entry Stage individuals tries to find out about the other person’s likes, dislikes, hobbies among other things. The need to find and develop friendship motivate persons to find out even more about the individual and this happens during the Personal Stage of the theory. The Personal Stage decides the destiny of the relationship and individuals satisfied with each other’s company choose to enter into long term relationships and friendships. Hence, this theory is critical to the understanding of the level of interpersonal relationship necessary for the successful merger of the two urban school to which I am studying, since, the people involved are the most critical component of the success of the merger. If friendships are not formed soon enough, it will definitely hinder or prevent the merger from becoming a success. Charles and Calabrese theory of 1975 helps us to understand, therefore, what might be the possible reasons for certain behaviours that may present themselves in a merged organization (“Theories of interpersonal relationship,”

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