Theme Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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There’s a certain quality of mankind that lays a heavy burden on innocence. The unborn can have more of a value placed upon them than a living human being, or there may be someone with no guilt when it comes to harming other people but cripple at the thought of injuring an animal. This theme is portrayed throughout our lives, even if we don’t pay close attention to it. Another instance of this idea is exemplified in Harper Lee’s classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. Rather than sugar coating the truth and refusing to hurt characters who did nothing to deserve the hardships thrust upon them, Lee instead exhibits this various times as the story progresses. One such time involves an innocent man who is falsely accused of a crime that he obviously has not committed. This man is one of the most obviously wronged characters in the book, a black man called Tom Robinson. Since the story takes place in the 1930s, in the deep south, one can only imagine the bigotry that he has to withstand every day of his life, let alone when he is accused by a white person. After a large exposition that all but outright confirms he is innocent, Robinson is found guilty based solely on his skin color. Later, his case ends…show more content…
Not only do they witness the mockingbird being shot – several times, they also play the role of the mockingbird, for example when Jem and Scout are attacked by Bob Ewell for the actions that their father took, not for anything they might have done. A few times, they are given the option to play the role of the hunter that shoots the mockingbird for no reason. Each time, you can see the children, especially Scout’s brother, Jem, turning away from shooting the Mockingbird as shown when Scout has the opportunity to kill bugs that have done nothing to harm her and Jem convinces her against it. “’Why couldn’t I mash him?’ I
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