Conviction In The Apology By Plato

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By all means, The Apology by Plato is a remarkable demonstration of philosophical inquiry. It illustrates how logic and reason have the ability to persuade and challenge personal notions and held beliefs. However, when one approaches this book from a different direction, The Apology by Plato is a great example of the homonymous meaning and this can be seen in the word conviction. To better realize the dualistic connotations of the word conviction, one must first be aware of the two definitions, but more importantly, one must also ponder why an individual will hold so firmly to their belief system, no matter the cost or consequence. To begin with, it is rare to come across an individual who fully accepts who they are and makes no excuses for their actions.…show more content…
The central plot of The Apology by Plato was the trial of Socrates. While the story was centralized around the actions of Socrates, the charges made against him, and his eventual sentencing, one of the elemental forces within the central plot of the book was Socrates’ personally held conviction that his actions had not constituted a valid reason for the trial he found himself embroiled in. With that, we arrive at the first definition of conviction; as defined by the dictionary, it is a fixed or firm belief. For Socrates, this was the driving force behind his actions because through the prophecy imparted to him by the oracle

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