The Theme Of Family In 'Mother To Son'

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Every family deals with their own problems whether they are large or minute. In the first unit of Literature and Ourselves, the theme is about families that have problems but always find a way to deal with them in some way, shape, or form differently with their beliefs, religion, and culture. I myself have dealt with situations with my family, some more intense than others, but every time my family has come through and found a way to resolve the situation. In the book, there are many different situations that each family faces that I can somehow relate to in some type of way. There are many different types of families in the stories we read and most of them seem to be very dysfunctional and unstable. One of these families is in the story “Andre’s Mother.” In this story Andre is a boy who died of AIDS. Andre didn’t tell his mother that he was gay and he had many reasons that he didn’t want to. Andre was scared of dealing with disapproval from his mother and so friends and Andre’s “lover” had to tell his mother that he was gay. Andre’s mother wasn’t a huge influence in his life, and a good example of this was that she never talked throughout the play. I can relate to Andre in a type of way, I know that it is…show more content…
The advice the mother gives to the son is that he should never stop growing, as a man and as a worker. She tells him that if she could make it in such a harsh world then he can too. My mom is just like the mother in “Mother to Son,” she has been through so much such as a brain tumor and depression, the tacks and splinters on the stairs, but she still wakes up every morning striving to be better than what she was the day before. My mother keeps climbing to set an example, she’s telling me the exact same thing the mother told her son in the

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