Literary Analysis Many readers would assume that a story titled “The Lottery” or “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” would revolve about a standard plot with characters and conflicts that would eventually end in a happy fairy tell ending. Nevertheless, Shirley Jackson and Flannery O’Connor have done almost exactly opposite of what the average story entails by adding major twists and turns to their stories to keep readers on the edge of their seats. The readers will notice they are constantly awaiting
A critical study has been carried out in the earlier chapters to explore Flannery O'Connor's fictional works with respect to the study of human relationships and the nuances of the truth-seeking concerns exemplifying interesting realities. The study recorded in this thesis illustrates that there is a repetition of retreat patterns in human relationships on the canvas of the familial, societal and spiritual altitudes. In O’Connor’s fiction, human relationships are understood to be perverted and strange