The Single Story

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The Danger of the Single Story If someone say, “Africa was a place of incomprehensible people, fighting senseless wars, dying of poverty and AIDS, unable to speak for themselves and waiting to be saved by a kind, white foreigner”, most people will think that is right. However, that was not true. In some parts of Africa, there is the rich and no war, the same as the United States such as Nigeria. The reason of made people have wrong impression about something is they just heard a single story. The single story that is incomplete made people get a biased impression about something. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is an author. She did a speech that name is “The danger of a single story”. In this speech, she showed us just heard a single story is dangerous.…show more content…
People just heard single story can made they misunderstand something or someone. The misunderstanding probably cause great harm to the person or even death. That is very danger thing. For example, in the No Name Woman” by Maxine Hong Kingston. On the night when Kingston's aunt gave birth to an illegitimate child, the people of the Chinese village in which the aunt and her family lived ransacked the family's house, killed all of their livestock, and destroyed their crops. Shunned by her family, the aunt gave birth in a pigsty, alone. However, in the finally, Hong Kingston wrote that “Your aunt gave birth in the pigsty that night. The next morning when I went for the water, I found her and the baby plugging up the family well” (Hong Kingston 385). In this story, the author’s aunt was died by suicide. The villages just heard author’s aunt was pregnant that without her husband by her side. Thus, the villages think her is dissolute woman and she betrayed her…show more content…
In my childhood, I watched some movies about criminal gang. I saw all of the gang members have tattoos. That made me think tattoo is a symbol of criminals. Thus, I judged someone was an offender so long as I saw who has tattoo, and I felt fear. This state continues for several years. In fact, not just I, a lot of my friends are the same. It now seems this judgment is very ridiculous. Many good people have tattoos and tattooing is their personal preference. We cannot just see a movie, then think tattoo is a symbol of criminals. The movie is a single story that made us think tattoo is a symbol of criminals. It happens that there is a similar case. In the “Tattoos on the Heart”, Chepe and Richie experience similar things. Gregory Boyle wrote that “she stands behind this reception counter and glowers at the three of us—well, really, only at Chepe and Richie, shaved heads, tattooed, and in all their baggy-clothed gangster finery.” The waitress's attitude towards them is very cold and glowers because they have shaved heads, tattooed, and in all their baggy-clothed gangster finery. This only because Chepe and Richie look like the characters in America’s Most Wanted. The waitress just watched the America’s Most Wanted, then think Chepe and Richie are criminal. This is the danger of a single story. A single story can make people have wrong notion of something and therefore occur some
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