The Shipwreck Analysis

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Dáibhí Ó Bruadair (1625 – 1698) was one of the most significant Irish language poets of the 17th century. He was born in Barrymore, County Cork and spent much of his adult life in Limerick, receiving the patronage of both Irish and Anglo-Irish landowners. He described the defeat of James II and his supporters in Ireland as "The Shipwreck". In this essay, we shall try to understand what he meant and why this happened, by focusing on the period 1685-1691. To do this, we will see how James II accessed to the throne and how he quickly lost his support in England, what was the happening in Ireland at the time, and what the Shipwreck really consisted of. To begin with, James II got the throne after his Protestant brother Charles II died in 1685. He was a Protestant King in a Catholic kingdom, and Parliament did not want him to become king in the first place, they wanted his daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange (the Dutch King) to rule. Because of the dictatorial reign of Louis the XIV in France, people in Europe were afraid of a possible Catholic tyranny. Louis XIV was the sworn enemy of William of Orange, which gave William even more credit according to the British Parliament, especially given the fact that by 1688 James'…show more content…
Large numbers of Irish soldiers left Ireland after the Treaty of Limerick. The people who left were later called ‘The Wild Geese’. Soon after the end of the war new laws against Irish Catholics were introduced. These were called the Penal Laws. So why did this "Shipwreck" happened? To be brief, James II clearly wasn't supported by the English Parliament from the start, and he got on the wrong side of Protestants by quickly taking away their privileges. Ireland was clearly James II's last chance, but he didn't manage to take
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