Sexual Selection Theory

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A form of natural selection, in which the sexes acquire distinct forms, is known as sexual selection. A crucial factor in reproduction is mutual attraction between the sexes. In numerous species of animals both males and females are alike in shape and size. However, sexual selection transpires either due to the members of one sex selecting mates with specific traits or because during competition for mates among the members of one sex, only those with certain qualities succeed (West-Eberhard, 1983). The theory of sexual selection is to illuminate the purpose for the existence of prominent dimorphism, including traits; for instance, greater strength, size and pugnacity of the male and the detailed reason of why they are favoured by females (Andersson,…show more content…
These cichlid fish often live along the lakes sloped shore, which results in the environment ranging from very shallow water to deeper water. Also, lakes often tend to have slightly cloudy or murky water, which taints the light in the water. This creates an atmosphere where blue light dominates near the surface and red light dominates the deeper environment, meaning naturally that some fish spend much of their lives in blue light while others spend most of their existence in the red light (Maan, Seehausen, and Van Alphen, 2010). Genetic variation can affect a fish’s ability to view colours; meaning some fish are capable of seeing red light better, while other fish have a blue light advantage; all due to their genetic compilation. Light penetration into the waters of the lake can vary, allowing fish that are sensitized to red light to spot predators and food more easily in deeper waters, whereas fish modified to blue light have an advantage in shallow waters. Overtime, if the fish don’t move or travel much from generation to generation, blue sensitivity will evolve in fish living in shallow waters and red sensitivity will evolve in fish living in deep waters. Also, male colour serves as a signal during the breeding period, females may respond and establish preference for particular colours or contrasts…show more content…
In addition, sexual selection has been recognized as a significant cause in encouraging the lasting cohabitation of naturally alike species. If there is spatial variation in local carrying capacity, which is maximum population size of the species that the environment can withstand indefinitely, given the water, habitat, food, and other necessities available in the environment; and mate fecundity levels search cost in females, then coexistence of naturally similar species is possible (Gante and Sazlburger,

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