Allegory And Symbolism In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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The earliest windmill to be recorded is when archeologists in China finds it in a.d. 1219. The windmill obtains symbolic meaning in George Orwell’s allegorical and dystopian novella, Animal Farm. The windmill symbolizes the pig’s control over other animals in the farm for their own gain, and efforts to improve. It is not just symbolic in the farm and to other animals, but contains political symbolism referring to the Soviet Union and Russia. Windmill’s purpose in the novella is to show how greedy and selfish pigs are by alluring the innocent animals to work really hard, but they snatch away the animals right to get what they deserve to get to benefit only themselves. The windmill symbolizes the pigs’ control over the other animals for their…show more content…
Thus, this action led to a bigger gap between higher class and lower class. In this allegorical novella, Napoleon represents the upper class where he uses the profit that the animals make in the farm to benefit himself and the other pigs. The animals who work “[are] always cold, and usually hungry as well” because pigs did not provide them with enough food (62). The peasants and the laborers were promised better lives just as the animals were, that this great machinery of the state in terms of production and growth would be used to fuel a new and better life for everyone. And just like the windmill, once the machinery was up and running, those that benefitted the most were the party elite and the folks that did all the work noticed that the lines were just as long and their apartments just as cold in the winter as before. The windmill in Orwell's "Animal Farm" is usually considered to represent 'electricity' which was expected to make Communist Russia a modern industrialized nation. Electricity, of course, was only a means to modernize the agrarian economy of Russia at the time of the Communist

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