Similarities Between Animal Farm And Bolsheviks

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The Bolsheviks The Bolsheviks were the majority faction in a crucial vote. They eventually became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Bolsheviks became the leaders of Russia by leading the revolution to victory. The Bolsheviks overthrew the Tsarist government and became the Communist party of Russia. In Animal Farm, the pigs were just farm animals. Later on in the book, under Snowball and Napoleon's rule, they raised their own crops, did their own work, and defended their own farm. The farm had a Communist government until Napoleon took control and became a dictator. Russia had Communist country until Stalin took control and turned it into a dictatorship. Both ended up becoming a dictatorship. The Bolsheviks could not overrule the power of Stalin in fear of being killed. The pigs didn't try to overrule Napoleon's power in the same fear. Both followed orders to stay alive. The Bolsheviks came out of Russia’s Social Democrat Party. When the party split in 1903, the Bolsheviks only had one leader. The leader's name was Lenin. In the last few years of the 19th century, the Social Democrats had competed with many other ideas in Russia. These ideas included the…show more content…
The Bolsheviks overthrew their government and became the Communist party of Russia. In Animal Farm, the pigs were only farm animals. Under Snowball and Napoleon's rule, they raised their own crops, did their own work, and defended their own farm. Russia had Communist government until Stalin turned it into a dictatorship. The farm had a Communist government until Napoleon took control and became a dictator, just like what happen to the Bolsheviks. In conclusion, the Bolsheviks are portrayed by the pigs by the things that happened to them. George Orwell wanted to explain the cruelty of Stalin by using the pigs in his story. Orwell's book accurately explains the horror of the Russian

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