Power And Corruption In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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In the fable Animal Farm, George Orwell uses animals as characters to represent what happened in the Russian Revolution. The author's use of allegory cites several instances of power and corruption amongst the animals on the farm as a way for the reader to understand and relate to what happened in Russia. Power is defined as the ability to influence or control the actions and behavior of others. Corruption refers to committing fraudulent acts or being untruthful as a means to obtain personal gain. The animals in the fable by Orwell rebel against the human farmers and claim the farm for themselves; then they work towards living off the land and becoming self-sufficient. After the rebellion, the pigs take charge and start organizing jobs for all the animals. During this process the pig leaders secretly use corruption to gain as much power over the other animals as they can. In Animal Farm, the animals congregate for a meeting in the barn. This is the first attempt of some animals to exhibit power over others. In the barn all the other animals sit in the dirt while the pigs sit up on the hay stacks. This is the first example that shows how the pigs are already putting themselves above the other animals; they sit in the more comfortable and clean hay stacks during the meeting. The leader of all the animals, and…show more content…
In this sequence of events the author declares, "the order went forth that all the windfalls were to be collected and brought to the harness-room for the use of the pigs". The pigs used their power to take the apples and milk that all the animals harvested from the farm. Then they used corruption to trick the animals into believing it would benefit them in the long run to turn over the windfalls to the pigs. The pigs claimed that by supporting their higher brainpower with the apples and milk, it would be the best use of the
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