The Pros And Cons Of The French Revolution

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When the thirteen colonies needed help to win their revolutionary war against Great Britain, France stepped forward. Lacking a strong military, the colonists faced a strong enemy that had a seasoned army. After the colonists successfully freed themselves from British rule, in 1778, they formed a defensive alliance with France, called the Treaty of Alliance. The treaty stated that America would be obligated to support France to defend its country against other countries, the same way France supported the colonists against the British. Later, in 1789, French citizens began to rebel against the power of King Louis XVI and the social status of the people, which was represented by the French Estate System. Abbé Sieyes, a farmer, became the one that lead to the French Revolution by declaring that the members of…show more content…
American decision to remain neutral was selfish and wrong against America’s values. France helped America get to the point that they are at; freedom, government, but America does not want to return a favor. The United States not only turn their backs on France when they needed them the most they corrupted the treaty of Alliance. By remaining neutral America gives Britain the upper hand, which corrupts the treaty; because as it stated “Neither of the two Parties shall conclude either True or Peace with Great Britain,..” Breaking the treaty is not only going to ruin America’s relationship with France it can also reflect America as a country that is selfish and not trustworthy; they still don't have an army and if someone would attack them, most likely that they will be on their
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