The Pros And Cons Of The First Industrial Revolution

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Introduction: With the introduction of the Industrial Revolution, many innovations followed. Most historians agree that countries needed to be revolutionized because change is needed for a country to grow, particularly farmers. “The First Industrial Revolution” by author Deane states, “Students of economic growth in today’s underdeveloped countries are well aware of the fact that the route to sustained economic growth lies through an industrial revolution”(Deane 37). Farmers in today’s times have a plentiful amount of important work that needs to be done, and the reason they have all that profitable work is due to the Industrial Revolution. With the improved innovated technology, it created many opportunities for farmers to capitalize on. It…show more content…
There could be storms, droughts, and floods but being able to breed your own crops gives the farmer a higher chance of not starving or resorting to hunting and being unsuccessful. Another advantage is that when countries took control of agriculture they could gain a food surplus, especially if they were growing wheat. A disadvantage would consist of, as families grow, or the population grows, they had to radically change the environment to support the crops they were growing, which took a lot of time and effort. Agriculture was so important during the pre-industrial society that it represented how wealthy someone was. This claim is back up by “Before the Industrial Revolution: European Society and Economy, 1000-1700” explaining, “Over the centuries, for the mass of people, income was represented by wages (and in the agricultural sector by shares of the crops)” (Cipolla…show more content…
“Animal Spaces, Beastly Places” states, “agricultural geography have treated animals as ‘units of production’. This is a logical way to start examining livestock as they have long been exploited primarily by people for meat, wool or dairy produce” (Philo, Wilbert 101). Before the industrialization, farmers would put all of their cows and bulls together in one area and let the breeding be left to the cow’s and bull’s interests and tastes. Now with the industrialization, farmers started to take their bulls with desirable characteristics and mate them with cows with desirable characteristics. This helped farmers achieve better stronger bulls and cows and avoid sick or unappetizing ones. There may have been farmers during the pre-industrial revolution that tried doing the selective breeding but the Industrial Revolution made the practice better known. Now there are some negatives that historians have said about the technological mass production of farm animals. Before the Industrial Revolution, farmers were considered animal observers. Which makes sense since farm animals were one of the main key resources that the farmers had. If their livestock died, it would not just be very difficult for the pre-industrial farmers to get by but also even to survive. In the article, “The Politics of Sight: Observing Farm Animals, Then and Now” it is stated, “Farmers in pre-industrial America were intense observers of animal

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