The Pros And Cons Of Sea World

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In the U.S, more than 5 million people visit Sea World each year (Orlando Attraction Tickets). At a young age, many parents and families decide to take their Children to this "exciting and joyful" place. I can remember when I was a little girl, and was take to Sea World. I was fascinated by the enormous size of the Orcas or known as Killer Whales. At that age, I would of have never believed the truth that lies behind the glass mirrors. After watching a 2014 documentary on Netflix called " Blackfish", and researching more in depth about Sea World, it has led me believe why Sea World should not exist. The Orcas were living freely, traveling up to a 100 miles a day in pods and packs. A disruption of this freedom occurred when Sea World was just…show more content…
It is called Big business. The investments that Sea World earns yearly, has added to their Net worth. SeaWorld would like to frame this debate in a way that portrays supporters of "Blackfish" and opponents of SeaWorld as hateful bullies. However that's a pretty tough call for a dolphin prison to sell. The more they attack "Blackfish" the more guilty they appear to the public. They are desperate and they know their ship is sinking rapidly. As any good student of strategy will tell you, the best way to deal with a powerful opponent is to use deception and distraction( Rather than confronting the major problems with the treatment of animals, the abuse is being covered up. In fact, Sea World's trainers are thought of as biologists. Contrary to popular belief, trainers often have no formal education in marine biology. Their main purpose is to entertain and put on a “good” show for visitors, not educate people about the intelligence, social nature, or natural families, foraging behavior, and habitats of the animals held at SeaWorld( Another misconception that over looked is the health of the marine animals. In particular I have stated the health of the Orcas( Killer Whales) due to their extensive size…show more content…
The parks own records contain over 600 pages of incident reports and over a 100 incidents that have led to human injuries ( ). Aggression towards humans and among Orcas is nearly non-existent in the wild, but the constant stress of living in incompatible, social groupipngs inside miniscule tanks, and performing around the clock, Sea World causes them to lash out. Posing a danger to other wales, visitors, and employees alike. Since my first trip to Sea World as a young girl, I have learned the real truth that lies behind the glass mirrors. The learning of facts, events, abuse, and forced lives in captivity has led me to believe that Sea World should not exist. SeaWorld presents itself as a family establishment full of fun “educational” activities. However, these activities harm animals physically and emotionally. SeaWorld has the financial means and ability to create coastal sanctuaries, where the orcas would have a more natural and less stressful life and where they could feel the tides and waves; see, sense, and communicate with their wild relatives and other ocean animals; and engage in other natural behavior that they are now denied. However, the park instead chooses to stick with the same inhumane business model that it has used for 50 years, despite all the violent and deadly incidents and
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