The Pros And Cons Of Racial Profiling

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does not apply to young Black men in America, whom he claims are regu - larly subjected to a police practice that has become known as racial profil - ing .BryonnBainisnotaloneinbelievingthatBlackmenareoftenstopped, questioned, and even arrested by police because of their race. A poll con - ducted by the American Institute of Public Opinion indicated that 60% of Americans aged 18 and older believe that the practice of racial profiling is widespread. The percentage of Whites who reported believing that racial profiling is common was 56%, whereas 76% of African Americans said theybelievedittobeacommonpracticeofpolice(Kurlander,2000).Even President George W. Bush, in his first message to Congress, indicated that hehadaskedAttorneyGeneralJohnAshcrofttodeveloprecommendations…show more content…
Usingsuchadefinition,racialprofilingiseasytobothdenounceanddeny. The real question is how public officials and politicians respond to racial profiling as described by the many individuals who, like Bryonn Bain, believethattheirrightshavebeenviolated—thattheirracehasbeenusedby policetodenythemtheprotectionagainstunreasonablesearchandseizure promised by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In fact, many government officials dismiss the testimony of Black and BrownAmericanswhoclaimthatracehasbeenusedbypolicetodetermine theirpotentialcriminality.Thepersonalexperiencesofpeopleofcolorwho have been victims of racial profiling are often rejected as being anecdotal, uninformed, or overly sensitive. Even leaders in law enforcement who are seriouslycommittedtoputtinganendtoracialprofilinglackconfidencein theabilityofthegeneralpublictoidentifyit.Forexample,thePresidentof theInternationalAssociationofChiefsofPolice,ChiefRonNeubauer,has stated that any officer who uses racial profiling should be removed from police work. “The IACP recommends zero

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