Micro-Management: The Three Types Of Supervisors

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There are many types of supervisors in today’s world. A supervisor is a person who oversees or monitors a group of people or an individual. You have different supervisor styles such as a Micro managers who closely oversee there staff, team players who participate outside of just managing, and handoffs which are managers who give you their work. All these are considered supervisors in their own unique way, some methods are more preferred then others. This discussion will be about the three forms of supervision. Micro -manager, team player and hand offs are the three different types of supervision. Being a micro – manager definitely could create a lot of unwanted tension amongst the manager and team. Being a team player develops trust…show more content…
Being a micro –manager isn’t always a good idea. Micro managing, either lets the employee know that you don’t have confident in them doing a good job, or don’t trust them to take on the responsibility alone. This style of supervising is more damaging then helpful. It doesn’t allow employees to grow and sometimes places negative energy in the work environment. The benefit of micromanaging is simply being able to have the assignment or task completed effectively the way the supervisor wants it. The disadvantages of micromanaging tends to create division in the work environment. Studies have shown the micromanagement style allows the supervisor to closely observe and monitor the employees. However, the managing technique is more affective. It has a great chance of a negative impact on the relationship amongst the supervisor and employees. It also creates lack of drive, motivation and moral in the working environment. Micro- managing is also time consuming for a supervisor, the time spent standing over an employee could be time used to work on another…show more content…
I believe your team is only as strong as the leader. Setting expectation for yourself as well as your team is very important. That will give you the opportunity for team building, lifting the moral and providing the hands on training. A great leader doesn’t only give direction, they also participate in the effectiveness and learning tools to help the employees. That’s a great team player. It’s always best to show your team that you are willing to do all of the jobs and task along with them. It’s hard to set expectations for something you aren’t doing yourself. I believe when your supervisor works on side of you, it shows there dedication to the team and being a team player. When a supervisor has the opportunity work with his/her team creates trust, and allows the supervisor to work closely with the employees. Handoff supervisor is very risky, placing the responsibility to someone that could be less capable of performing a specific task. If a supervisor is handing off responsibility I would definitely make sure the employees fully understands the task and expectation. Micromanaging, being a team player, and hand off supervisors are all methods used on a daily basis. It is a supervisor’s responsibility to be a leader and create effective strategies for the employees he/she is overseeing. Although all three styles are all uniquely different, they could be used in conjunction with one another as learning and teaching

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