Nature And Nurture Theory: The Influence Of Intelligence In Children

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There is much contradiction of opinion, when it comes to the inheritance of intelligence, some believe intelligence is innate, whereas some believe intelligence is due to the environment around the child. These opinions form the nature/nurture debate. The Nature belief: The nature of a child is seen to be inherited by biological factors, for example genetics from the parents. The Nurture belief: The nurture of a child is inherited by external factors, such as experiences and exposure to life after conception. The nature/nurture theory is the contribution of both biological and external factors, in terms of how each influence a child’s behaviours and intelligence. Nativists and Empiricists look upon behaviours differently, their beliefs are as follows: Empiricists and Nativists:…show more content…
In this way, a child’s intelligence can be strained from reaching its full potential, if the child doesn't feel stimulated, and concentration may be seriously affected. Concentration is the key to learning. Poverty - Children are often real victims of poverty. A child’s needs is far more complex than the of an adult and it is their basic right to have love, affection and care. Sometimes, because of a financial strain on a family it may cause depression. Parents struggling financially will find it hard to care properly for their child, and this can have a negative impact on learning and development. Biological factors: (Relating to the nature debate) Nutrition - Health can affect intelligence in various ways, a child with poor health and nutrition, will not receive the minerals and vitamins that they need to help them develop. Children in a family that maybe struggling financially, may not be able to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Parents who cant afford to buy fruit and vegetables to be able to cook paper meals, may choose a cheaper

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