The Pros And Cons Of Communism

779 Words4 Pages
(2) “Communism is a political and economic system where all property is collectively, not privately, owned.” In a communist economic system, the government decides what to produce, how to produce it, and for whom to produce it for. The government also owns the factors of production, land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurs. Communists used what is called a command economy. The inability of the government to be flexible in its decision making and planning ultimately caused the economic collapse of the pure command economy of the Communist Soviet Union.The disadvantages that came to the Soviet Union when they ran a pure command economy are that decision making took too long, they could not offer their workers proper incentives, and they could…show more content…
Due to the Communists having a large decision making bureaucracy decision making was slow, but when a decision was made it was a drastic one. The Soviet Union possessed an enormous surplus of oil and gas. When the price of oil was raised the natural resources of the Soviet Union became very valuable. This helped the Soviet Union make the decision of transitioning from an agricultural society to an industrial nation by largely shifting their resources. Another slight advantage is that services were offered to citizens at little to no cost. These were advantages that were created by the decisions made by the Communist Soviet Union. The disadvantages of this system occurred due to the lack of decisions being…show more content…
With the lack of incentives workers were uninspired to work or do anything more than what was required of them. Citizens of the Soviet Union were given improper living conditions with inadequate housing and the inability to buy consumer goods.There was little to no reward for hard work and a lack of punishment for poor or inefficient work. Communist workers were in a position of which no matter how hard they work they were going to end up with the same result. The lack of worker incentives was the general economic problem for the collapse of Communism in the Soviet
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