China's One-Child Policy Analysis

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Can you imagine living in one single country with about 1 billion other people? In this swarm, you act as a small drop of water in a large ocean. Can you imagine your mother telling you can’t have a baby sister because the government said you couldn’t? You wouldn’t have a little sister to grow up with and talk to. Can you imagine going outside and seeing more elders doddering around compared to the amount children playing in the streets? Sounds of cars and walking businessmen would fill the streets, and you wouldn’t hear any playful laughs of children. Weird to imagine, right? In China, a policy called the One-Child Policy managed to go into action, and it resulted in this bizarre atmosphere. The policy, instituted on September 25, 1980,…show more content…
As before stated, the One-Child Policy acts as an immoral component in China and somewhat supports the communist cause. The act of preventing human beings from undergoing a natural process rips humanity of its natural rights. Preventing child-birth unnaturally goes against mother nature and human morals. The unfair repercussions of violating the policy include forced abortions, forced sterilizations, fines, and imprisonment. The government enforces the grim punishment of abortion among expectant mothers that had gone against the policy. Data from the “All Girls Allowed Organization” and other sources say that in China alone, thirty-million forced abortions operations are put into action each year with there being about 35,000 abortions daily. Abortion goes against many people’s beliefs, as many people, including me, think abortion at such a late term counts as murder. Another attempt of prevention, sterilization, prevents women from being…show more content…
The original purpose of the policy was to provide as a secondary option to back up the failed promotion of abortion and birth control. Did the government consider the awful long-term effects? It does not seem as if they did. Effects that have already become very noticeable to the population includes gender imbalance and age imbalance. Men tend to now be favored by China’s population, with there being an average ratio of 106 males for every 100 females. That leaves 30 million more men than women in China. Demographers expect the population to even out slowly in a span of about five decades, but this is not a guarantee. Other than gender imbalance, there is also a great change in the population of age groups. With there being such a sudden decline in births for the past 30 years, there is a surprising imbalance of age groups. In 2007, there was a recorded ratio of six work-enabled adults for every one retiree. Although this ratio is expected to drop to a ratio of two workers for every retiree, this may mean trouble for individual families. Elders fear that with fewer grandchildren, there is less opportunity for the passing of tradition and culture. I, as well as many others, believe family history is very important because individual, family history is what builds history of the nation. It seems as if little by little, China may be losing their ancient traditions. I believe

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