The Progressive Era

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As social worker s we are anticipated with helping individual solve the many problems they may face. Social workers advocate on behalf of their clients and must learn to balance caring, competence, and humanitarianism, and fiscal efficiency (Haynes & Mickelson, 2010, p. 10). It is important to understand the history of policy practice in social work, the skills practitioners need to affect policy, and why social workers should be involved in policy practice. When looking at the history of social work in the United States the Progressive Era (1895-1915) is a worthy beginning point. The Progressive Era is known for advocacy and the liveliest period of social reform and political advocacy in the history of the social work. The two pivotal movements during this period are the Charity Organization Society and the settlement…show more content…
38). Another era in society that held political involvement was the New Deal and beyond (1930’s). During the Great Depression there were many problems that individuals faced and the public’s responsibility to these individuals were highlighted. According to Haynes and Mickelson, a coalition was formed to speak up for the poor; the professional schools of social work were a part of the political activity. Political activity was viewed by the profession as a short-term requirement for achieving its reform goals but not as a legitimate social work method (Haynes & Mickelson, 2010, p. 39). The War on Poverty during the 1950’s, led to the three social action models such as citizen social worker, agent of social change, and actionist. The citizen social worker model calls for the professional social worker to use the information and knowledge gained through work with individuals and groups to inform the larger society of need programs

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