Lord Of The Flies Lessons Analysis

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There are always new lessons to be learned. From when we are just babies to when we are senior citizens, we are being taught these lessons. Most lessons are good for us, but some lessons are bad. In The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, both the good and bad lessons that the boys learn affect their decisions on the island. The good lessons, such as peace and survival skills, help the boys thrive on the island. The bad lessons, such as war and murder, bring chaos to the island. The positivity of the adult world is ultimately negated by the negativity from the adult world. The boys are use the lessons of peace that the adult world taught them to flourish. At the beginning of the novel, the boys meet to make rules for their tribe. These rules are meant to maintain order on the island. The children agree to follow the rules because Jack says “We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English, and the English are the best at everything” (42). This shows that back in…show more content…
In the beginning of the novel, Jack explains his extensive knowledge of how to kill a pig to Ralph. He says you have to “cut a pig’s throat to let the blood out” (31). Jack wasn’t born with this information. He had to have learned it from the adult world. Jack has no problem transmitting this cold-hearted behavior from pigs to humans. Jack and his tribe have no trouble slaughtering Piggy and Simon. Normally, people would have a conscience when it comes to murdering someone, but the hunters don’t care. The adult world also provided Jack with his weapon, the knife he uses to hunt pigs. Aside from Piggy’s specs, the knife is the only piece of technology on the island. However, unlike Piggy’s specs, the knife is used for a more insidious purpose. The specs provided fire, which helped bring cooked food and warmth to the boys. The knife only took life from the

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