Rhetorical Analysis: Animal Rights, Animal Wrongs

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Over the past years, animals have always been in danger. Not everyone knows the real struggle that people put animals on. Now a day a lot of humans are trying to help out in order for animals to have Liberation. According to the three sources “Animal Rights, Animal Wrongs” By Steven M. Wise, “The Animal liberation movement” By Peter Singer, and The Visual Of three animals, all explain differently towards Animal Rights and Liberation. The first source is based on the how worldwide animals are incapable of having their freedom. The author wants to show the value of all kinds of animals in the world. The second source is briefly about explaining of where they are trying to take the animal liberation and the ideas the humans have for…show more content…
Steven M. Wise talks about that animals should have rights just like humans do as well. He also talks about the animal rights movement, he explains on the rights and wrongs that are going on in the world with animals. The way they are treated, the rights people have stood up for animals. Wise uses Allusion on the article because he’s explaining an object. He’s showing allusion by the way he talked about what the chimpanzees used to do and the way they are treated like humans. Wise is also using analogy because he is comparing human rights with animal rights. Personification is another rhetorical device that he uses. By stating that animals should be treated the same way humans are treated. Wise shows pathos in the article. Wise uses pathos by stating, “We humans have slowly and painfully developed a core of near universal values and principles…” It shows how some people realize that they feel bad for not protecting, not just themselves but also other things such as creatures. He included pathos because he wants others to feel bad about the wrong people are doing. The author is trying to reach out to the type of audience that wants to save animals and treat them the respect that the animals deserve as well. He’s also reaching out to the type of audience that are selfish. “We recognize that we share the planet with other species…” (Steven M.…show more content…
Peter Singer explains every topic of the animals’ liberation and the type of ideas there are in the future for animals’ freedom. Singer uses theme and imagery in this source. Theme is used by the way the author puts the main idea in each paragraph. He explains the way animals are treated and used for. Imagery is used by the way he explains every detail of what scientist use and do on experiments. Singer says, “LD 50 test, take a animal, feed them concentrated amounts of the substance, until managed to poison have of them to death…” shows how the scientist actually do experiments. Also foreshadow is used because the author explains about the research community. The research communities want to help all types of animals and are planning on spending a lot of money to guard and, keep animals safe in the future. Logos are showed in this essay-book. It shows because Singer convinces well about animals as foods. He shows facts about in urban, they are the ones that use all sorts of animals as foods, and he’s convincing the audience by showing that not just meat has nutrition but also produce does as well. Peter Singer wants to reach out to the type of audience that does not know what humans do to harm animals. He wants to convince the reader to help out on animal liberation for the present and the

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