The Influence Of The Federal Reserve On The Economy

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Introduction Despite the fact, that depending on how the people see things, believe that the "Federal Reserve does not control the economy by affecting the supply of money in the U.S. Instead, it maintains an interest rate target and adjusts the money flow as needed to keep that rate at the desired level." (Explainer: How does the Fed influence the economy? (n.d.)) And although the Fed really can't control inflation or even influence output and the employment rate directly,. Indirectly, it has affected them by using the three tools of the monetary policy. 1. Open Market operations 2. The discount rate and 3. Reserve requirements. By utilizing these three tools, the FED influences "supply and demand for reserve balances of commercial…show more content…
economy. And as stated, the three most important tools or instruments of the monetary policy are the open market operations, the discount rate, and last but not least, the reserve requirements. The key point is that the Federal Reserve always strives to increase its reserves, by buying things like securities, and paying for them with deposits to the accounts, which are also maintained at the Federal reserve by the primary dealer's bank. They use open market operations in this case, as it's the primary tool used to influence the supply of bank reserves. As just mentioned in the example, the tool consists of the Federal Reserve buying and selling with securities (in most cases). On the other hand, the discount rate is the interest rate (which is rarely used, as it is difficult for the Fed to predict any changes in the discount borrowing when the discount rate changes), which is charged by the Federal Reserve (banks) to depository or financial institutions on not long-term, but short term loans. Last but not least, the reserve requirements are the portions of the deposits made by those banks which they need (more like must) maintain either in vaults or on depository accounts at the Federal Reserve…show more content…
When making purchases of securities for example, the discount rate decreases, and the reserve requirement decreases as well: ceteris paribus (all other things held constant). Because as we learned in this week's reading assignment, as the Federal Reserve lowers the discount rate it will result in lowering interest rates in the economy as well. And when a decrease in the reserve requirements comes, it increases the reserved for the banks. Lower interest rates also encourage borrowing, as it mean people can get more money for less, It can also mean however that the consumers will spend more to get cheaper funds. For example, households can increase their purchases made of goods (like housing, automoviles, equipments = all of which are stated on a business-like balance sheet). That being said, as more consumers are purchasing more, the more the increase in the economic expansion. Suppose the Federal Reserve purchases $10 billion worth of foreign currency in exchange for deposit accounts at the Federal Reserve. Show the changes that result from this transaction on the Fed’s balance
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