Blood Sugar Epidemiological Research

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Sugar is an important source of food for our bodies to function properly. But, unfortunately, sugar is incredibly toxic and could also damage our bodies completely. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart diseases could very well be linked to sugar. “When a person overloads on fructose, the liver turns that into fat. Some of that fat ends up in the bloodstream and helps generate a dangerous kind of cholesterol called small dense LDL. These are known to lodge in blood vessels form plaque, and are associated with heart attacks.” (Video). Sugar is as addictive as cocaine. “In the brain, dopamine is being released as it relates to the pleasures cells as it does in drugs like cocaine” (Video). “People who frequently consume lots of sugars…show more content…
According to a study by german researchers, “people with high blood sugar levels are more likely to have worse memory on tests than those with lower levels of blood sugar” (Andrew M. Seaman). “Blood sugar levels are the measurement of glucose in a person’s brain. The body maintains the blood sugar level by releasing out insulin. This helps turn glucose into energy” (Andrew M. Seaman). A study by Dr. Agnes Flõel helped determine the effects of the different blood sugar levels on the brain. She collected 141 people from Berlin and had them go 10 hours without eating. After the 10 hours were up, her and her colleagues took each participant’s blood and had an MRI scan each of their brains. “Overall, people with higher blood sugar readings performed worse on the memory test, compared to those with lower blood sugar levels” (Andrew M. Seaman). But their research can’t explain for the memory loss or decreasing size of brain as it could relate to aging. They did come to the conclusion that if someone wants to keep a healthy and functional brain, they must stay fit and not overweight or unhealthy to keep the brain stable. And for the ones with already the lower level of blood sugar, eating healthy and stay exercising with help their heart, if not their brain too (Andrew M.

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