The Importance Of Relationships

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Framework of the Study Love is the most profound feeling known to human beings and relationship are the most meaningful element of life. It is a connection between two people creating a climate for the exchange of feelings and ideas; it is also a close friendship involving romantic or sexual feeling Sigmund Freud recognized that relationship is part of human nature and not necessarily pathologic. Relationships are one of the biggest sources of problems, challenges and opportunities that we face to face with in our everyday life. Entering relationship needs patience, understanding, respect and most especially trust where in it serves as a foundation of each couples that later will lead to have a healthier relationship. First cousin relationship…show more content…
Self-esteem in entering in any kind of relationship is a way to boost to better a relationship, low self-esteem will affect relationships negatively it may make attract negative people. If every individual has self-esteem in any kind of relationship it won’t be able to work out well. Self-esteem is a commonly used term to describe person’s subjective emotional evaluation of self-worth it is a judgement of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self, it refers to an individual’s sense of worth or value (Blascovich and Tomaka, 1991). There are three general definitions on self-esteem accepted in the community first is the ability to succeed in meaningful areas of life and to believe in aspirations (Mruk, 2013) second is raises the sense of worth (Rosenberg, 1965) third is the mix of the two definitions (Branden,…show more content…
Emotion is defined as a complex state of feeling that results in physical and physiological changes that influence thought and behaviour in 1980 a wheel like diagram of emotions has eight basic emotions which is joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and anticipation (Plutchik, 1980) those emotions are the results of interactions with environment. James Lange theory of emotion states that as we experience different events the nervous system develops physical reactions that result as an emotion response. Another theory of emotion is Cannon-Bard theory; we feel the emotion and experience physiological reactions such as sweating and trembling. However, in Schechter-singer theory of emotion says that the element of reasoning plays an important role in how to experience emotions. Social acceptance. Social acceptance is the acceptance of a person into a group and the absence of the social disapproval it can define as the fact that most people in order to fit in with others, attempt to look and act like them or sometimes it’s the ability to accept differences and diversity in others. In this study we aim to see if first cousin relationship in the society is socially accepted or less socially accepted though in some countries it is legal and
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