Cohesion In Media Discourse

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This present study sheds light on cohesion in media discourse through analyzing lexical and grammatical cohesion. On one hand, lexical cohesion signals semantic relations between lexical elements in the text. It includes two major categories, namely collocation and reiteration. Collocation refers to a pair of lexical items that tend to appear together. Reiteration involves repetition, synonym, hyponymy, and general word. On the other hand, grammatical cohesion refers to grammatical elements that link the text together across sentence boundaries. It involves conjunction, reference, substitution, and ellipsis. Accordingly, such research examines collocation, repetition, synonym, hyponym, conjunction, and reference. Lexical Cohesion:…show more content…
This lexical device is significantly employed in both articles to contrast certain ideas. For instance, equality and inequality are used in the first article to highlight suffering of women in some societies. Moreover, the writer uses such tie to confirm woman's right to enjoy equality with men. Besides, in the second article, antonymy is clear in the following example: reduces violence and increases safety for women and children. Through the antonymy relationship between reduce and increase, the writer seeks to decrease violence that is perpetrated against women in some…show more content…
It is classified into four different types, namely addition, adversity, causality, and temporality. In the first article of Al-Ahram Weekly, the writer depends on additives and adversatives conjunctions. And, or, also, in addition are used as additives to present additional information. For instance, the report cited 10 cases of domestic abuse and 44 cases of spousal dispute (Para.4). Another example of additives is clear in the report also sheds light on the increase in gang rape and abductions (Para.12). In these examples, the writer seeks to clarify various forms of violence against women. The writer also resorts to adversatives like yet, but, however, although in order to add opposing information. For example, however, more recently such criminals have started using weapons, including guns and knives, in carrying out their crimes (Para.9). Such instance shows that women have begun to use weapons in their revenge from any man who assaults them. Moreover, he uses temporal conjunctions such as at the same time in order to link events together. It has been manifested that such article depends heavily on additive conjunctions which add new information. Therefore, this device indicates to continuity of ideas that

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