Advantages And Disadvantages Of Blood Donation

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In the last section of the survey instrument (see Appendix A & B), the 151 respondents from both the barangay and the parish were asked to tick which of the following factors listed do they consider as enablers and barriers to their motivation in donating blood at present or in the future. The enablers in the list include: (1) family, friends and relatives; (2) health status; (3) knowledge on blood donation; (4) their known benefits on donating blood and (4) others while the barriers in the list include: (1) family, friends and relatives; (2) health status; (3) knowledge on blood donation; (4) their known disadvantages on donating blood and (4) others. These enablers and barriers are chosen as part of the list in collaboration with the researcher’s…show more content…
The common benefits known to the respondents are: (1) proper blood circulation, (2) weight gain, (3) stronger immune system and (4) a clean, quality blood for the donors and for the blood recipients. Blood donors and even non-blood donors are similar in expressing that through blood donation, they could feel the ‘freshness’ (termed as ‘presko’ in Bisayan dialect) of clean blood circulating in their body making them feel ‘light’ (termed as ‘gaan’ in Bisayan dialect). This statement has been repeatedly specified by the participants during the separate focus group discussions. Another statement repeatedly mentioned was, by donating blood, people see this as prevention in having high blood pressure because of the benefit of stronger immune system. Weight gain is also seen as a positive benefit in donating blood as this is a good manifestation for them that their body reacted positively with the new circulation of blood and also, a sign that they are healthy enough to donate blood in the next blood donation activity. Non-blood donors have strongly expressed that the major benefit of blood donation is for the blood recipients to receive good quality of blood from these blood donation programs. With strict donor qualifications, the blood recipients–who may be undergoing surgeries or in critical health conditions–are assured that the blood they would be receiving is…show more content…
Respondents have agreed that their community, especially in the case of GKK San Antonio, have enabled them to donate blood because of the unified, positive belief of everyone that this can help others and save lives even those unknown to them. It is evident that the appeal of altruism is present to the motivation to donate blood among the respondents of both communities. This is even manifested in the focus group discussion conducted in the area where most of the participants have repeatedly said that blood donation can greatly help other people (stated as ‘makatabang sa uban’ in Bisayan dialect). Moreover, they consider the members of their community as those people who will be willing to help them in times when they are in dire need of blood especially during emergencies. Blood examination is also considered an enabler in becoming a blood donor. This enabler is mostly considered by the community of Barangay 19-B because the participants believe that it is important to know their blood type before deciding on becoming a blood donor. Although there have been some reactions from other participants that there is no need to undergo this examination before blood collection, this enabler is seen as an assurance for some that they can be considered qualified and they can have vast knowledge on their blood type. Moreover, another reason why this enabler is considered as motivation is because in times

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