The Importance Of Firewall

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FIREWALL INTRODUCTION:- Firewall is a program which prevents unauthorized access to network system. Firewall works as a blockade through which the traffic goes either of the direction must pass. Firewall technology was first emerged in late 1980's when internet was still struggling in terms of connectivity, globally. It can be found as both software solution and as a hardware appliance. The only difference is that the hardware firewall acts as a DHCP server to the network whereas many OS have built-in software firewalls to protect user against virus, malware etc. Importance of Firewall : if someone using a computer or having a small network one must track threat by hackers who can hack their computer data /network very easily…show more content…
Any hacker want to access your PC will have to face the firewall and the firewall will either deflect the attacks as well as gives warning about it. Firewall basically works as a filter between computer/network and internet There are several ways by which firewall filter information. For home use, firewall easily operate and save your computer from malicious activity. There are two ways by which firewall protects either it allows all traffic and stops the desired malicious content or it stops all traffic unless malicious content is found. Generation of Firewalls: First Generation: This is known as ''PACKET FILTERS'. First ever Paper was firewall was published by engineers of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in 1988.packet filter firewall mainly works on the first three layers of the ''OSI reference model'' which indicates that most of the work is done between the network and the physical layer. Second Generation: This is known as ''state full filters'' presented by three colleagues from AT&T Bell Laboratories Dave Presetto, Janadar Sharma and Kshitji Nigam in somewhere 1989-1990 Calling them circuit-level…show more content…
Prevention from Virus: These are some of the useful steps to overcome virus. -Use Antivirus Protection -Keep your Antivirus Up-to-date • -Never try to open any message from an unknown source REFERENCE: Brain (computer virus). (2014, September 30). Retrieved from October 12, 2014. Computer Virus Information. (n.d.). Retrieved from October 12, 2014. TROJAN INTRODUCTION: Trojan is a type of malware. They are usually non replicate means they don't have the ability to replicate through a PC still they are pretty dangerous. These are widely used by cybercriminals who used it as a tool to fraud and theft precious data. Trojans are pretty harmful for PC because they have the ability to destroy your data or blocking them modifying them copying them or also disrupting the performance of PC. Types of Trojan: There are several kinds of Trojans. Some major are as follows: Data Destructive Trojan: This type of Trojan delete files the file from your PC or make them unfunctionable by changing
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