can come in many forms such as snow, rain, fog, hail and dust. As long as it contains unnatural amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids it can be considered as acid rain. Based on the PH value from 1 to 14, 7 is the neutral. A number below 7 indicate acidity which increases as the number decreases with 1 being the most acidic. Numbers above 7 indicate alkalinity which increases as the number increases with 14 being the most alkaline. It is hard to pinpoint when acid rain was first recognized, some say
wine in question is a 2012 Meerlust Rubicon, this wine is from South Africa. The topography of South Africa. Due to the Drakensburg mountain range, the weather is affected rather majorly, due to the mountain range affecting the way the winds blow in certain areas of South Africa, for example the Berg or Fohn winds that blow over the Western Cape region, are very warm, and affect the weather in this area, thus affecting the soils and growing conditions associated within the area, for wines.
potato and sweet potato (Olaniyi et al, 2009). Tomato is an important source of vitamins and minerals and an important cash crop for small-holders and medium-scale commercial farmers. Tomato production is sensitive to temperature as well as to high acidity. The optimal temperature is 23 - 270c, temperatures lower than 150c or higher than 350c are detrimental to the fruit setting. Tomato grows best in warm temperatures with a lot of light. The quantity and quality of tomato fruits are of crucial importance
these vegetables with population growth, economic growth and urbanization (Fatch 2009). Global tomato production increased during the 1920’s as a result of breakthroughs in technologies that made mechanized processing possible (Tan et al, 2010). In Africa, the total tomato production for 2012 was 17.938 million tones with Egypt leading the continent with 8.625 million tons (Arah et al, 2015). The study further concluded that the tomato industry has the ability to increase the export earnings of African