Kant Versus Mill

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Ethics is a system of moral philosophy that aims to establish standards that define conduct. Those principles and values aim to create a distinction between what is perceived as morally right and wrong. Species beings have a moral duty, insofar as to say that by nature, individuals attempt to obey moral principles. Philosophers John Stuart Mill and Immanuel Kant both propose their own set of moral standards and justifications. Kant argues that the morality of actions should depend upon good will and intentions, whereas Mill argues that an action’s consequences determines its moral value. John Stuart Mill’s philosophy on morality is more appropriate and relevant to current societal values rather than Immanuel Kant’s view because Mill’s argument…show more content…
In The Fundamental Principles of Metaphysics of Morals, Kant defines good will as actions that are based upon moral principles (CITE). He recognizes that there is a moral compass in which individuals abide by knowingly and unknowingly. This ethical code thus postulates that the consequences of one’s actions do not determine its appropriateness, but rather the motives and intentions prior to the action taking place, are what must be assessed. Kant also stresses the importance of taking responsibility for the occurrence of one’s motives and actions. Kant explains that intentions and wills are within an individual’s control, whereas consequences of actions are not within an individual’s control, they are subject to non predictable and random probabilities of the world. Individuals should not be held accountable for their actions in situations beyond their control. He also stresses the importance of taking responsibility for the occurrence of one’s motives and…show more content…
Kant’s theory and the categorical imperative fails to take into account the context in which an action occurs. For example, lying is an immoral act, and therefore is not justifiable within any situation. This means that lying in order to save someone’s life would be seen as an immoral act. It is also not possible to completely disregard human emotions in determining moral correctness. By nature, humans have desires and wills that cannot be set aside. Kant’s application towards using rationality as a moral compass is theoretical and would not function in a realistic

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