The Importance Of Cosmetic Surgery

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New cosmetic surgery guidelines are brought in to protect patients The unexpected step was taken in order to improve modern standards of cosmetic surgery and avoid poor practice. The sphere of activity of aesthetic and cosmetic surgery as a separate branch of medicine is operation that corrects person's appearance. Every day more and more specialized medical institutions are beginning to work in this industry. But as it turns out, not all of them are able to provide high quality services. Unfortunately, often clients of cosmetic surgeons are dissatisfied with the result, or even reveal further problems. It happens that medical service can be rendered poorly and an expert who did such difficult operation, may be a general surgeon graduated…show more content…
The reason for this behavior is simple - a fear to threaten and lose customers, which is especially common for commercial clinics. In this regard, General Medical Council (GMC) has taken care of the security of customers by introducing new guidelines. First of all they concern the patient's access to all necessary information, as well as various activities and special offers that clinics use to entice potential…show more content…
As practice shows, not all of the patients with a sufficiently favorable cosmetic and medical-biological forecasting motivated by a positive psychological process of inner well-being. And here questions of psychological diagnosis, psychotherapy and psychosocial rehabilitation arise with special relevance. Surgeons need to pay special attention to them. As it was stated by the health minister Ben Gummer, each person who thinks about cosmetic surgery should expect from clinics high quality service and medical care. From now on, in accordance with the new guidelines, one of the main tasks of cosmetic surgeons is to give detailed information to patients about the applied procedures not only verbally, but also in a written form. Records of consultations must be provided in the same way. For patients protection they must be provided with a list of contacts before the procedure, which they can address in case of any complications or if they require additional treatment, re-operation or other medical services. Guidelines impose cosmetic surgeons not to hide information about medicines and implants that were used during surgery. Furthermore, this information must be provided in a written

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