The Importance Of Adolescence

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Introduction Adolescence is the developmental period when youth are most vulnerable to peer opinion (Long & Pellegrini, 2003). According to Lansford (2014), there are positive peer affiliations that was supported by Bernat and Resnick (2009), wherein it was stated that there was a perceived connectedness to peers, family, neighborhood, and school are thought to mitigate some negative outcomes such as deliquency and risk behaviors. Adolescence is a developmental phase which presents with increased demands to regulate one’s emotions and behavior during a time characterised by multiple neurophysiological, psychological, and social changes (Shulman, Harden, Chein & Steinberg, 2014). Dodge (1986) stated that adolescents develop a repertoire of behaviors that help them handle their lives in different situations and in their relationships with others. Some of them follow social rules and expectations.…show more content…
In a study by Lippman, Moore, and McIntosh (2011), it was stated that adolescents represents a pivotal life-stage focused on learning, exploration, identity consideration and relationship building. In addition, Hockenberry, Wilson, and Wong (2012) adolescents tend to seek greater independence, grapple with their self-identity and start to focus on their peer group. Blakemore and Mills (2014), agreeed that this is also the period wherein dynamic brain development was characterized, as well as the shaping of many of the cognitive and emotional patterns an indivudal will sustain in

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