Kazuo Ishiguro Cosmopolitanism Analysis

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Over- Idealized Cosmopolitanism, Professionalism in the Novels of Kazuo Ishiguro -The Remains of the Day and The Unconsoled The phenomenon of globalization is notable with contradictions, as well as complexities also. In economic view, it can be considered as the domination of global free- market capitalism and its regional resistances and accommodations. In political realm, it deals with the nation state shifting and development of non-governmental organizations, which mediate with transcending border capital for the governance of citizens, it is less local and more global, technologies such as the telephone, internet, the television rapidly connect up distant space and time and shrink the world, so it becomes more and more accessible through virtual society or “network society” (Manuel Castells). In the cultural domain globalization connects different parts of the globe which resulted in cultural imperialism; including Americanization of culture, McDonaldization and subversion cultural homogeneity. The intellectuals of globalizations view it in different outlooks, some view it as a caustic force as in the case of Chossudovsky, others consider it as a positive means to widen freedom and…show more content…
The anticipation of such philosophers appears to be displaced closer to this century, it creates the magnified assertion that humanity is getting into an age of global human rights, global governance and peace as such a claim smoothly be paired by "a reactive disillusionment which holds that nothing has changed the world is an even more dangerous place , we are subject to new imperialism and self interest , contigency , bigotry , and violence continue to be the true motor of history"(Cosmopolitanism, XVI

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