Positive And Negative Effects Of Globalization

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Globalization defines the process of integration of different cultures, political systems, and economies as the world becomes increasingly connected. Although it can be debated that globalization first occurred during the great migrations of people such as those who crossed over to North America from Asia thousands of years ago or that it started during the age of colonization, globalization as we recognize it today was not defined until the 1970s, when the world was already in the midst of dramatic global change at a pace never seen before. This era of globalization in the 20th century saw innovations in communication and transportation, the freer flow of capital, and reduction of trade tariffs. By the 20th century, transoceanic transportation had become affordable, allowing goods and materials to move more freely in larger quantities than ever before and laying the foundation for a global trade network. In 1947, twenty-three nations took part in creating the General Agreement…show more content…
However, many challenges remain. Communication technology now enables us to reach millions around the world instantly, yet this same capability significantly increases the chance of unwittingly spreading misinformation. The proliferation of multinational corporations with no formidable regulatory agencies providing checks and balances also represents an existing challenge with potentially hazardous effects towards the environment, political stability, and worker rights. As the world becomes increasingly intertwined in these ways, having a comprehensive and exhaustive understanding of how such developments are felt worldwide is paramount and key towards creating better and more productive international dialogue on the global stage and, in turn, a more connected and cooperative
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