The Death Of Two Teens In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Who was to blame for the death of two teenagers?!? In Shakespeare's widely known novel, Romeo and Juliet, the main characters end up dying. Two teenageers, Romeo and Juliet, fall in love. Their families, on the other hand, are in a constant feud, which leads many readers to believe that they are to blame. If you want to blame one character, however, I think that the charges go against Romeo. Romeo is the character most to blame for the tragic events in Romeo and Juliet because he KILLED a new relative out of anger and lust for justice, he did not maintain his few connections with Juliet, and he made rash decisions. Romeo is the most to blame for the events that occur in Romeo and Juliet because he KILLED a new relative out of anger and lust for justice. Romeo tried to stop the fighting between Tybalt and Mercutio but failed to do so, with a result of the two fighting kinsmen dying, one by Romeo’s sword. This piece explains, right out of the book, in Shakespearean words: “Now, Tybalt, take the villain back again, That late thou gavest me; for Mercutio's soul, Is but a little way above our heads, staying for thine to keep him company, Either thou, or I, or both, must go with him.” (Shakespeare 3,1.87-91)…show more content…
After Romeo is banished, Friar John is supposed to deliver an incredibly important letter to Romeo. The letter explains Juliet’s fake death that Romeo doesn’t know about. Friar John is unable to deliver the letter. When Romeo hears Juliet is “dead” he says: “Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight.” (Shakespeare 5,1.36) This means he is going back to Verona to lie dead beside her body. I think that if he would have asked around before he went straight to her tomb to kill himself, he would have found out the truth. Instead he suffered the consequences of not keeping connections with

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