Examples Of Discrimination

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Both in the past and present, minorities have experienced institutionalized discrimination both in companies and in society in general. This includes deliberate and unjust discrimination based on gender, religion, and race or ethnicity. Such instances of discrimination differ from individual, interpersonal examples in that they are generally more severe and are continual and widespread among an institution. In the past decade, institutionalized discrimination has presented itself in the form of company hiring policies, customer service policies, and unequal treatment of employees. This includes employees who have being confronted with with racial bias in the workplace, female customers experiencing unjust treatment, and religious discrimination…show more content…
Moves to End Airline Seating Changes Based on Sex” published in the Orange County Register relates many instances of unjust discrimination against women by airlines, as well as the reactions from the public. According to the article, the practice of “shuffling around female passengers to accommodate requests from men with sexist religious beliefs is quietly practiced worldwide by a host of airlines.” One example of this discrimination was brought to attention when Renee Rabinowitz sued Israel’s national airline El Al after being moved because a male passenger refused to sit next to a woman. In response, many have taken a stand against this unfair treatment, including Mary Campos, a million-mile flier who has experienced similar treatment. Another passenger, Dean Bosche, has requested from United in response to the recent events that he expects to sit only near women, and many others are supporting the stand against sex discrimination as well. However, the movement has also received negative responses from some, who claimed that Campos “was in it for the publicity” or believed that the airlines should have moved the two men instead of the woman. Whiting argues that moving passengers around on planes “puts an undue burden on airlines” and “perpetuates discrimination.” Both recent occurrences of gender discrimination on flights and lack of responsive action by airline companies have prompted the public to take…show more content…
detail situations of racial bias in hospitals and medical environments in South Africa. Countless reports of institutionalized racism have been reported, suggesting that blacks are not being offered the same opportunities in the workplace or the same quality of training and clinical experience. In this research experiment, Black African specialists related their training experiences and encounters with racial discrimination. The main themes of racism identified throughout the research included experiences of everyday racism and institutional obstacles in career development. Many participants cited experiences with subtle racism, including a lack of respect for their clinical decisions and a generally unwelcoming environment at work. Some said they had the perception that they were not viewed equally and seen as “incompetent affirmative action appointees” regardless of their achievements and experience in the field. Institutionally, black medical professionals also faced difficulties, with some reporting that they were not granted the same senior privileges or opportunities that younger white employees were offered. Additionally, several instances of unfair promotion and senior privileges exclusively for white workers were reported, and many black employees felt they were performing a
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