Essay On Diversification In Agriculture

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The Government of India has emerged with many policies and programmes relating to different crops, exports, taxes, subsidies, supplies of inputs, availability of credit etc. The policies of expansion of irrigation facilities, determination of agricultural prices like procurement prices, support prices and a host of other policies have all contributed to changing crop pattern. Cropping pattern means the proportion of area under different crops at a particular period of time. Cropping pattern in India is determined mainly by natural factors like rainfall, climate and soil conditions. However technological factors have also played an important role. For example, in the mid-1960’s, area under wheat increased significantly with the adoption of high-yielding varities of seeds in selected areas of the country. The government policy on subsidized agriculture input and support prices in output affected the area allocation and crop composition. The farmers of some regions were encouraged to switch over to wheat. Since the main objective of the agriculture development policy in India was to achieve self-sufficiency in foodgrains, attention was paid mainly on wheat and rice production. The expansion of…show more content…
2002). Diversification is defined as an adjustment of farm enterprise patterns to increase farm incomes. Diversification here means a larger mix of diverse and complementary activities within agriculture, a movement of resources from low value agriculture to high value agriculture and a shift of resources from farm to non-farm activities (Delgado & Siamwalla, 1999). Between1982 and 1998 the share of HVCs, including fruits, vegetables and livestock products increased from 30% to around 34% in the total value of agriculture output (at 1982 constant prices) (Joshi

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