The Crucible God Analysis

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Grace Morningstar Hour 3 The Puritan Era signified the result of inner destruction, justifying actions that lead to their demise. Puritan society not only reasoned their actions, but also their reactions based primarily on a belief system strictly elected to very few individuals to “interpret the will of God”. In ‘The Crucible’, those who were to interpret the will of God enforced a pure a religiously rooted theocracy which later accounted for the mass hysteria during this colonial period. In William Bradford’s journal, the experiences of newly immigrated Puritans are documented expressing individual interpretations of God’s presence in their lives. The Puritans intertwined the tenets Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the “saints”, and…show more content…
In ‘The Crucible’ Puritans, unable to grasp the natural world, became sadistic. This vicious behavior is displayed in the first act of the play. “I want to open myself! . . . I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for the Devil; I saw him, I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss His hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!” (50). This outburst from Abigail comes at the end of Act I, after Tituba has confessed to witchcraft. Abigail, has had the privilege of God to change her heart, or in her current situation, manipulate the powerful authority against those she dreadfully hates: John and Elizabeth Proctor. The authority of Salem justified her actions through Irresistible Grace; not only is Abigail (according to theology in Salem) redeemed of guilt, she also gains a form of credibility that allows her to be “untouchable” of punishment, resulting in her instigation during the trials. Abigail misuses the concept of Irresistible Grace to commit vengeance over John and Elizabeth Proctor at a time when their society is most vulnerable. Puritans justified these actions because of their law abiding beliefs that no member in their society could stand to question. Another instance of Puritans exercising…show more content…
The theocratic society established by the Puritans was designed to keep their community pure and unified, eliminating any threat to their system. Thomas Putnam, who lived in Salem, urged Reverend Parris about the possibility of corruption to their “perfect” society. “Now look you, sir. Let you strike out against the Devil, and the village will bless you for it! Come down, speak to them-pray with them.” (125, 126). Mr. Putnam located what he believed to be a “fault” in their system; as a result he proceeds to report this to Parris, an influential figure, to eliminate the problem religiously. This connects to the Puritan tenet of Unconditional Election because the system they established, few could conform to, because their society was a representation of those who were to be saved by God. Any threat or individual who put this pure society in danger, were to be eliminated and punished by God. The satisfaction of pleasing God justified their cruel actions of excluding people unworthy of salvation and God’s grace. The exclusions and tightening of individual ideas and pleasures soon caused uncontrollable corruption and the collapse of their society. As individuals began to act out against God, they were severely punished for not accepting and understanding God’s grace. Puritans strongly justified their cruel and unusual actions because they felt it was the only way to please God.

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