The California Gold Rush

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David, Dong Mr. Johnson US History Nov,28,2015 The Gold Rush was an opportunity for the development of the west regions, which has triggered the development of the region's mining industry and related industries. In 1803, the United States purchased Louisiana territory, then in 1848, after the Mexican war, U.S and Mexico signed the treaty and declared California, Nevada, Utah, and other western states belong to the U.S. During the nation expansion, not many people were willing to move to the wild west. However in 1848, people have found gold mines in California, which is known as the gold rush, and since California discovered gold, the world discovered California. People from different countries came, and brought their local fruits vegetables.…show more content…
Second main one is to use the central trail, in 1849 about 4500 forty-niners used this route, they went through Platte River-South Pass-Grrent Barin- Pacifica slope. Within a year, the population of California had grew over 8 times by the time when Marshall discovered gold mines. By the time of 1860, about 14percent of the California populations were immigrant from Germany, and about 50000 British came to the U.S. In 1850s 35000 Chinese came to California, not only for gold mines, but to escape from the TaiPing…show more content…
Compared to the mining industry, it was more so long, just as early as in 1845. Texas had been part of Spain and Mexico, which gathered a lot of immigrants with different identity and ethnic backgrounds. And it was a thriving agricultural immigration area. To the 1880s, southern Texas has a large number of cattle. Horses and sheep were wildly supported, and a large number of them rapidly breed in the 19th century 30's, then cattle in Texas reached 10 million. The Great Plains cattle industry developed outwards, which began with the Long-distance Vendor in 1865, and it is a total of prelude to each transport activities. Due to the American Civil War, the cattle in the Mississippi River upstream are scarce, and its prices rose to per head of $40. However, in the western United States, cattle in Texas only worth a dollar per head. Astute Texas businessman firstly noticed the great chance, which opened the "long-distance trafficking activities with far-reaching significance. Only in 1866, 260000 cattle were rushed to Missouri Sedalia. By 1880, the cattle had spread from southern Texas in the Rio Grande to the north of the Canadian border, and from the Mississippi River to Rocky Mountains. Different with the mine industry, animal husbandry in the Great Plains had a very typical characteristics of commercialization, which connect with commodity and market together from the start. And another characteristic in Great

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