The Boondocks Show

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The Boondocks created by Aaron McGruder can be named a satirical black comedy, but is not limited to that. It illustrates African American as uncultured and violent and the white population as stingy, clueless and rude. Featuring the N- Word in practically every episode, this show has gained plenty backfire for being insulting. Controversial as they come, this show has several characters and depictions that either are appreciated for the message or frowned upon for being tasteless. The show underlines the pressure that is experienced between black and white America and the issues we chose to ignore in the present day. The main characters play very common roles of a typical black person. The setting mainly takes place in a predominantly white…show more content…
The very first episode sets the tone of the season(s). In The Garden Party, Huey Grandad, and Riley attend a very upscale party. They are the only people of color there. Riley sparks conversation with a few of the older white people in the room. Speaking on very influential topics with the wish to be heard. His audience begins fawning over him as if they have never heard anything other that “Yo” “My N-gga” and such come out of a young black boys mouth. Noticing that he is being treated as a Ripley's Believe it or Not display; he gets frustrated. His spectators are overwhelmed with adoration at how well he speaks.“No matter what happens, these people will just keep applaudin’” (Huey) he says. Riley, being the only character to react negatively to this is the total opposite of Uncle…show more content…
He has been quoted saying things like “Now, I want everybody to find the nearest black man and lay hands on him. But first, make sure your hand is balled up in a fist so you can beat the black outta his soul. God smiles when you hate blackness so you beat that darkie in the name of the Almighty! Hallelujah!” Clearly this is very offensive, but think of the message here. Uncle Ruckus is undeniably a black man. So how can he have such negative things to say about his own race? Simple, Uncle Ruckus’ Character embodies the self hate that brews in the black community. He constantly harps on every negative stereotype there is about black people. Which may make you think, “Great, more degrading trash on TV” but before you make your assumptions, try to think beyond face value. I believe the reason they made this character is to show how ridiculous individuals in the black community can be when trying to denounce their blackness. McGruder incorporates witty banter to expose the truth of this issue. Moving on, Uncle Ruckus was determined to prove his whiteness, but when he took a genetic test he had to face the “ugly” truth he was "102% of 100% black" with a "2%". Ruckus was distraught almost to the point of committing suicide. Unable to accept that he clinged on to the results of a faulty test that claimed he was about 51% caucasian. If you
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