pedophilia becomes regulated. This also started in church confessions with sexual acts and forgiveness. Discourse is different and is excited different for everyone. Discourse influences out perception of sex and sexuality because of self-regulation and police. When discourse is done it is seen as progressive because we are sexually free in todays society. Although Society likes to believe they are progressive because they partake in discourse but by Foucault's ideas we still do not have discourse even
Contrastingly, Rossetti originally claimed that ‘Goblin Market’ was a fairytale, suggesting that she perceives the events as being far removed from her society. Some of the biblical imagery in Goblin market suggests that in a patriarchal world unjust laws separate and divide people into hierarchies, this claim is backed up as Christina Rossetti believed that the only place where this was not the case was: "in Christ where there is neither male nor female, for we are all one", portraying her desire