Sylvia Plath's Mental Illness

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Whether it is creativity, personality, or appearance, Sylvia Plath, Robin Williams, and many other renowned individuals have been honored for the representation of themselves that others admire. Many celebrities express creativity in their daily lives. This creativity has been found to be linked to a mental illness that the writer, actor, or artist has. Sylvia Plath is one such writer who had been diagnosed with a mental illness; however, this mental illness did not deprive her of succeeding in her life; it pushed her to obtain excellence. Known for her realistic but melancholy writings, Sylvia Plath suffered from depression, which resulted in a separation in her relationships, a change in the severity of her works, and a loss of her will to…show more content…
Depression is a feeling of sadness that reoccurs everyday. This continuous despair affects the individual’s everyday actions, including work, sleep, relationships, eating habits, and study habits. Some symptoms that were exemplified in Sylvia Plath included suicide attempts, deprivation of joy from previously loved activities, and continual sorrow. Other symptoms that are connected to depression are loss of appetite and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms can be controlled through medication, psychotherapy, and electroconvulsive therapy. Sylvia Plath took antidepressants to regulate her mood, tried psychotherapy to take negative situations and relationships and make them favorable, and used electroconvulsive therapy to change her brain…show more content…
When Sylvia Plath went back to school, her friends recognized that her personality had changed. She continued to worry about her ability to have a career, to get married, and to have a family. Contrary to the person Plath was before her suicide attempt, Plath dyed her hair blonde and had many roommates to try to decrease her anxieties. Plath concerned herself with her image as a praiseworthy individual, but that concern disappeared when Plath came back. She had affairs with teachers and worried about being pregnant, which damaged her reputation as a meritorious person (Wagner-Martin

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