The Black Death: The Plague In Europe

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Death, all throughout Europe this was all you would see during the mid-14 century. Knowing no mercy the Black Plague would affect any living thing that crossed its path. Affecting children, adults, and even animals. This great disease be one of the biggest downfalls of humanity The plague is a serious bacterial infection that can be deadly. The disease is caused by bacteria called Yersinia pestis. This bacteria can be found on animals throughout the world and is usually transmitted to humans through fleas. The risk of getting plague is highest in areas with poor sanitation, overcrowding, and poor sanitation. In medieval times, the plague, or “black death”, as it is also known was responsible for an estimated 25 million deaths across Europe…show more content…
When the people came to greet the ships at the docks they were met with a horrifying surprise. Most of the sailors aboard the ship were dead, and those who were still alive were gravely ill. They were overcome with fever, unable to keep food down and delirious from pain. Although the strangest thing they encountered was that they were had black boils all around their body oozing blood and puss. This is how the disease gets its name the “Black Death”. The authorities quickly ordered the ships out of the harbor, but by then it was too late. The disease would keep spreading throughout Europe killing almost one-third of the continents…show more content…
The people were not only affected physically but also emotionally and spiritually. This great killer even went as far as shaking their faith in God and conventional beliefs for authority. Before this plague arrived, the Roman Catholic Church had near absolute power. Once the plague hit people were less inclined to follow any kind of law. Many people would blame God for this epidemic and believed they were being punished for their sins. The people thought of the Church as omniscient, but since it could not explain this outbreak the people of course were infuriated. Since no answers could be provided The Church began losing all authority over the people. As the Church lost its authority, most of the clergy began to leave (showing their true colors). About 60 percent of the clergy left, which left the Church and basically no authority left. Throughout time we have seen how faithful He truly is; God has shown us that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, He will always be there to protect us if we just show Him the same faith and love He has shown us all throughout
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