Robert Cormier's The Chocolate War

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Robert Cormier did a spectacular job at making it hard to put down The Chocolate War. Cormier was inspired by his son to write The Chocolate War because of a personal experience he had with selling chocolates at his school. The setting that the story takes place in is at a private Catholic high school just for boys. The plot line of the story is mainly about a secret group of boys who manipulate their student body and specifically, find one person to mess with bully him with assignments throughout the book. One of the main characters in the book named Archie Costello is one of the leaders in the secret group of boys called the Vigils, but is considered the “assigner” because of the cruel assignments he gives to the students. Archie strives to be the most powerful boy in the school just like Satan wanted to be the most powerful in the…show more content…
They both have a ruthless hunger for power because of their loneliness and solipsism. Satan strives to be just like God and wants the people to worship him more than God. The people knew he was evil and explained, “He has great power and intelligence, and a host of demons who assist him in his attacks against God’s people” (Ephesians 6:11). Archie has the power that he wanted in the Vigils group and used that as an advantage of being the most powerful at Trinity High School. Even though he was not president of the Vigils group, he played an important role as the assigner to the students. Archie messes with the students minds mainly by bullying them mentally, not physically. For example, one of his fellow classmates call him “sir” because of the intimidation he portrays (pg. 30). Satan never had any family or real friends, which played a huge role in him wanting to be powerful. The Chocolate War never mentions anything about Archie Costello’s family besides how his father operates an insurance company. Not having family or friends close really affected their behavior and emotions resulting in them wanting to be

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