Magadi Ash Company

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This case study primarily focuses on the International Finance Corporation’s efforts to bring about socio economic development in the region of Magadi division by investing in a key player in the region- Magadi Soda Company. It is part of International Finance Corporation’s efforts to help people out of poverty by investing in the private sector. In this case, the Magadi Soda Ash Company is the key aspect of the private sector of magadi Division. Formerly known as the Magadi Soda Company, Tata Chemicals Magadi joined in the Tata group in 2005. The Tata Company is based in the Lake Magadi region in Kenya (about 120km away from Nairobi). Almost 95 per cent and above of its products are sent to the South East Asia, the Indian subcontinent, Africa…show more content…
● Analyse the literacy and educational levels of the Magadi…show more content…
The Global Trade Finance Program promises these client banks to cover payment risks of the new and emerging market banks regarding promissory notes, bills of exchange, letters of credit, bid and performance bonds, supplier credit for capital goods imports, and advance payments.The IFC had issued more than $3.46 billion for 2,800 guarantees in 2010, out of which over 50% targeted IDA member nations. In the fiscal year of 2011, the IFC issued $4.6 billion in the form of 3,100 guarantees and more to continue its mission. In 2009, the IFC launched a different program for responding to crisis, known as its Global Trade Liquidity Program, which is instrumental in provision of liquidity of capital for international trade among all the developing countries. Since its inception in 2009, the Global Trade Liquidity Program has contributed with $15 billion and more in 2011 for trade. The IFC and Magadi Soda Ash Company Relationship The International Finance Corporation has joined hands with Magadi Soda Ash Company in its expansion and as well as in its social welfare projects to ensure development of the company as well as provide for better living conditions for the members of the Magadi community. One of the main programmes in which the company

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